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Collection: Ford FE Tall Valve Covers

Ansen USA carries a complete line of Ford FE valve covers for your vintage and performance vehicle. From the ever-popular Ford Mustang to the old school Ford Fairlane, Thunderbird, and Galaxie, we have a cover that will match your style and flair.

Our covers come in black or blue powder coat, as well as a polished aluminum finish. We don't have custom colors available.

These FE covers will fit Cobra Le Mans and Cobra Jet applications as long as brake booster clearance is not an issue. When in doubt, note clearance and measure appropriately.

We've also had inquiries for marine applications as well. Back in the day, both Century and Chris Craft installed the 427 FE in their wooden boats.

Contact us via email, text, or just give us a call and we'll be happy to help!

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